Tuesday, February 08, 2011

My Finish Your Writing Project Teleseminar with Felicia Pride of the Backlist

Last Thursday evening I had a wonderful (at least it was for me!) teleseminar on how to finish your writing project. If you missed it, you can listen to it here:

Have questions? Just post them below from now through Friday, February 11th, and I will answer them. As is usually the case, there were so many other things that came to mind after the call, including other techniques I use to get writing projects done. An hour is never enough when you are discussing healing and creativity. At least the conversation has begun so join in with your questions and comments here. I may not have an answer to everything or with complete thoroughness that I would like in this particular venue, but I will give it a good faith effort.

And if you're a woman in or near NYC who wants to enroll in my Seshat Writing Intensive on February 19th, there are a few slots left and still time to enroll, but you have to act now. See the link to my post about SWI here or send me an email at therealblackartemis at yahoo dot com.

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