Hip Hop Lit: Black Artemis
Intervista n� 42 del 09-08-2007
1. Would u like to briefly introduce yourself to my readers and explain us why did you chose the name Black Artemis?
Peace, everyone. My real name is Sofia Quintero (and I do publish in other genres under that name.) Under the pen name Black Artemis, I write what ahs been referred to as hip hop noir. I chose the pen name Black Artemis for several reasons.
Il mio nome � Sofia Quintero (e pubblico con questo nome in altri ambiti letterari). Con il nome di Black Artemis sono conosciuta per i miei noir Hip Hop. Ho scelto questo nome per diverse ragioni.
The most complex and interesting reason of all was my own insecurities about my ability to achieve my own ambitions as a cultural activist. I set out to write my debut novel Explicit Content, my objective was to write commercial fiction that raised substantive issues. "Edutainment" as KRS-One would call it. I ultimately decided to use a pen name because deep inside I doubted whether I could pull it off. So many times I hear hip hop artists – authors, filmmakers, etc. – claim that they intended to create something deeper than the usual Hollywood fare, but when you look at the final product, it's no different than the usual clich�s and stereotypes. Deep down inside I feared I would fail to walk my talk, too, and so I took on the pen name to hide my true identity if I did.
La pi� complessa e forse interessante delle ragioni consiste nella mia insicurezza rispetto agli obiettivi e alle ambizioni che mi sono prefissa come attivista. Quando ho iniziato a scrivere il mio romanzo d'esordio, Explicit Content, il mio obiettivo era di scrivere un libro di successo, in grado di esplicitare temi importanti di discussione. "Edutainment" come l'avrebbe definito un tempo KRS-One. Ho deciso di adottare un nome d'arte poich� nel profondo di me stessa non ero cos� convinta di potercela fare. Troppo spesso ho sentito artisti – autori, registi, ect – affermare di voler fare qualcosa di pi� del prodotto commerciale hollywoodiano non riuscendo per� a discostarsi molto dai soliti clich� e pregiudizi. Nel profondo non ero del tutto sicura che le mie azioni fossero in grado di concidere con le mie parole cos� scelsi un nome d'arte con il quale nascondere la mia vera identit�.
Not that I realized it at the time. As I was writing Explicit Content, I gave myself other rationales for the pseudonym. All of them were legitimate but not the ultimate reason. And when some of my elders and peers in progressive circles read the novel and gave me daps for its substance as well as its craft, when I realized I indeed had pulled it off, then I was able to admit to myself that there was an element of fear involved in using the pen name. I've been advised to drop the pen name, but I'm trying to build a brand. No one writes what I do consistently as Black Artemis. At least, not yet.
Oltre a ci�, posso dirti che mentre scrivevo Explicit Content, ho trovato altre ragioni che potessero convalidare tale scelta. Tutti motivi da prendere in considerazioni ma accessori alla ragione principale. Solo quando amici e figure di spicco in circoli progressisti hanno iniziato a darmi feedback positivi per quello che ero riuscita a realizzare, ho accettato fino in fondo le paure che mi aveva spinto a scegliere quello sinonimo. Nessuno scrive questo tipo di cose con costanza come lo faccio io sotto lo pseudonimo Black Artemis. Almeno per il momento.
As for why the specific name Black Artemis, I've always been drawn to all kinds of mythology – I guess that's the writer in me – and in particular to the myth of the Greek goddess Artemis. Among other things, she was the goddess of the hunt and a defender of women. Being a woman of color, I tried to find her counterpart in a "third" world mythology but could not find it. In the end, I decided to stick with Artemis because her story resonated with me, and I believe names carry power. I added Black to, however, so that folks would know that I was Black and proud of it.
To read the rest of the interview, click here.
1 comment:
oh this is sooo cool Sofia! You're famous in Italy! :)t
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